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My Meditative Moments

Awakening to Our “Natural Self”

by meditative - February 16th, 2011.
Filed under: Insights for Mindful Intelligence.

In search of the “truth”, look within yourself.

The “self” we have come to know is a product of our history (e.g. biological, ancestral, cultural, social, religious, economic, etc.)- our memories, conditioning, internalized messages, etc.- all in confluence with our “natural self” or our “true nature”. There is a relative tug-of-war between our “constructed self” and our “natural self “ –forever a constant power struggle in soliciting our will and our intentionality.

It seems that the further we have drifted away from our “natural self”, the deeper and more pervasive our collective neuroses has become. We are often adrift struggling cyclically to escape the narrow confines of our constructs to be and to act in conflict with who and what we really are. We suffer within the walls we have erected as they limit our capacity to clearly communicate and relate to not only one another but to ourselves.

Awakening to our “pseudo-self” is the realization that there is something more to our existence than the patterned identity we have conditioned and ascribed for ourselves- there is more than a world that is composed and viewed biasedly through our internalized messages. What we internalize, solidify, and concretize only speaks the perception of our reality, and in many cases it may not be expansive, receptive, flexible, or adaptive enough to reflect the changing contexts we may consciously or subconsciously fear to face.

Training our minds to tune into our expansive & reflective awareness with focused and kind attention helps us to excavate out these deeply reflexive patterns that thwart our ability to see the light onto our “natural selves”. We break into so that we may come to learn and understand what we need to break out from some of our patterns. The conversation we now have with ourselves is about the deeper meaning of our lives- who we truly think we are… and how we fit into the overall process, flow, or movement our lives.

Awakening to our “natural self”, we begin to see how the mystery of our evolving process unfolds from the inside out- and that there is much here to learn and to attend if we are to arrive home to ourselves. We can no longer dismiss our restlessness- it is our “natural self” needing to be heard. The energy from these intuitive messages is calling upon us to listen and pay attention- and to engage in a conversation about our human condition.

Our path in coming home to our “true nature” is illuminated by insight, reflection, and acceptance to trust a process that unfolds to reveal nothing less than the “truth” about who and what we are. We don’t need to search very far- it is within us all. In our practice, we discerningly penetrate the patterns that obscure its presence. There is nothing to be sought. Once revealed, the energy and light of our “natural self” emerges within the field of our mindful awareness.


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