The moment is ‘NOW’.
Archive for April, 2014
Sunday, April 20th, 2014Can we transcend what is ‘known’- what is familiar and habitual, and find new ways of ‘seeing’, ‘perceiving’, and ‘doing’ things? This is mindfulness.
Saturday, April 19th, 2014This peaceful mind is filled with self-acceptance for things just as they are…
Friday, April 18th, 2014The only moment that truly matters is right here & now. The past is history & the future depends upon what we ‘seed’ in this present moment.
Thursday, April 17th, 2014‘Consciousness’ is the energy that flows from wherever our attention is directed… and it’s truly amazing what can fill that ‘space’ when it is not tethered to something in particular.
Wednesday, April 16th, 2014Curiosity is at the heart of our creativity. It is from ‘here’ where freshness and novelty give life to the inspirational.