The moment is ‘NOW’.
Archive for February, 2011
Monday, February 14th, 2011At the core of our flesh and bones is kindness- to self and to others. Peace, light & insight be with you.
Sunday, February 13th, 2011In the emerging process- causes are always becoming results, and results are always becoming causes. Where within the truly interconnected nature of everything can one clearly discern the beginning from the end? Peace, light & insight be with you.
Saturday, February 12th, 2011To awaken renewed, we must come to reckon with all aspects of “self”… in darkness, in shadow, and in light. Peace, light & insight be with you.
Friday, February 11th, 2011The truth in our experience only has one intention- to awaken us… Peace, light & insight be with you.
Thursday, February 10th, 2011You don’t have to like your feelings to make room for them. Peace, light & insight be with you.
Wednesday, February 9th, 2011The discomfort of change is only an obstacle when energized by our unwillingness to connect, attend, and expand with what’s unfolding. To willingly accept the nature of our emerging existence is to penetrate this discomfort with our inherent impermanence. Peace, light & insight be with you.
Tuesday, February 8th, 2011The senses teach our minds to allow space for true connection to what is actually happening in our moment-to-moment experiences. Peace, light & insight be with you.
Monday, February 7th, 2011Turn your resistance switch off, and watch your struggles melt away. What we fight only fights back. We can flow with or against the current, but we can expend a lot less energy and effort in moving with the process instead of resisting it. Peace, light & insight be with you.
Bravery of the Spiritual Warrior
Monday, February 7th, 2011Courage strengthens resolve to stay with ourselves in difficult moments. Armed with insight, courage, and a relaxed, stable mind- we move into the storm- into the heart of our confusion, fear, trepidation, and uncertainty- to arrive directly on the path to our own self-discovery. Directly facing who and what we are is an act of […]
Sunday, February 6th, 2011Mindsight of our observing self connects us with our present reality- directly and immediately- the flavors, textures, and richness of our moment-to-moment experiences are vividly alive with freshness and spontaneity. Peace, light & insight be with you.