Wakeful Being II
by meditative - August 6th, 2010.Filed under: Insights for Mindful Intelligence.
To see within the revealing illumination of the conditioned, reactive body-mind.
Can we truly be open and release the old patterns that enmesh us in obscurity and confusion? Can we discern the difference between the reality of our experience and our image-oriented projection onto it? Waking up, it is curiosity that moves our intention to penetrate the layers of commentary and confusion that veil our capacity for true “mindsight”… seeing & sensing without the streams of thought to morph our direct experience. With mindsight, the pressure to conform to our image of “what is” begins to relax. All the conditions and conditioning to be, see, and perceive what is expected seems to dissolve away in the spontaneity of free attention and open awareness.
With truly being in the moment- we are presence itself- without the idea of “self” distracting our attention from the object of our experience. We exist in the movement and flow of the moment- watching & connecting to the essence of our object of attention without any judgment, grasping, or aversion. Wakeful being is a process of “awarenessing” and simply being of “no self”. We are what we “see” as we are one with what is “seen”. The more we are able to sustain this awareness, the more transparent our direct experience becomes.
As we “stay with” our awareness, we watch our storylines unfold. The memories and associations vibrate in our bodies as their accompanying energies- via impulses- flood our circuitry with intent to capture our attention and move us away from our awarenessing. It is in this state of being that we are without limit or time. We simply “touch & go” with what is arising. We shift from the routine to spontaneity. We come to realize that our happenings don’t need to be translated with imagery or story. Some experiences may call for more immediate response and others simply continued reflection. When watched through the quietness, calmness, and gentleness of the “observing self”, changing conditions are seen for what they are… changing conditions.
In our practice, the deeper our reflection and our meditation, the more self-sustaining it becomes. Awareness and transparency are energized by our innate capacity to attend over and over again. As we continue to emerge with “flashes” of mindful intelligence, our intent grows stronger to see and deeply understand the nature of cause and effect- the chain of becoming. In the openness and expansiveness of our being wakeful, there is a shift within our problem- solving circuitry away from what is enmeshed in conditioning and compulsion to protect and preserve the “me”, myself”, and “mine” to a more flexible and adaptive circuitry that allows for a more inclusive & spontaneous field of observation and examination prior to a response or action.
Through our states of wakeful being, our conditioning is revealed unconditionally. Just as the nature of “truth”, it reveals itself on its own. It manifests freely and effortlessly for it is the way nature unfolds the reality of how things truly are… The question remains as to whether we have the patience and mindsight to allow the unthinkable- the unknowable and the ungraspable to reveal its unconditioned effect?