Wakeful Being
by meditative - August 2nd, 2010.Filed under: Insights for Mindful Intelligence.
“Awarenessing” is like a circuit breaker to our running commentary of storylines.
To wake up- to be wakeful in our moment-to-moment living means that we begin to divest from our relatively dreamy and story-ridden preoccupations. In awareness with presence, we come to see how our conditioning and habituation serves to confine our nature. Without our limiting self-image, we open up to our interiority and examine the true wonders of ourselves as human beings- as beings who have the wonderful capacity to be aware of their awareness. In the mindsight (i.e. free attention & open awareness) of a wakeful being, the senses are attuned to all that is “alive” in the moment. When “naked” to the moment, our receptors are free to take in what the thinking mind often interferes from connecting.
In wondering- in observing and examining with curiosity to be awake to what we are now directly experiencing, our degree of inquiry is expansive, deep, and spontaneously fresh. In the quiet & stillness, and in the “space” of our emptiness, we now pause with awareness between our stimulus and response. It is through our wakeful moments of calm presence that the clarity of our reality begins to focus in. Being wakeful can be truly revelational when we allow ourselves to patiently see, sense, and feel.
In wakeful being, the “pause” of our stillness is open and expansive to include all the “happenings” inside and outside of our consciousness. As a watchful observer in and of this process we relate, connect, and touch the flow of what is unfolding without being carried away by it. The energy fueling our storylines– and our virtual reality is diffused by a lack of egocentric reference. It is the same energy that has now been transmuted into the higher power of awareness- unavailable to feed the “automaticity” of our mind’s running commentary- to be this way or that way cannot be nourished when there is true presence in the moment.
In awakening, we come to realize and sense directly how our storylines control our lives- the images, associations, thoughts, projections, ideas, positions, emotions, etc., etc. When enmeshed in these stories of ourselves, we tend to embody all the manifestations that arise from the power they unleash in controlling both our psychological and physiological being. Awareness is the disconnect from this relatively automatic and reactionary process.
Attending in awareness lifts the veil to what has been historically obscure to now becoming relatively transparent. In the here and now- in awareness, we “pause” from the seemingly endless chain of mind habits. We curiously question and examine the images and ideas that energize our narratives. We recognize and acknowledge the hard-wiring of our memories and associations in stimulating our patterns for reactionary living. In this presence of wakeful being, we are whole and inseparable from our direct experience. We rejoice in the unadorned simplicity of our true nature… and it is here that we see “flashes” of clarity and light.
Seeing through the images and ideas of “self”, and how “self” relates to others and other things… and vice versa… the world in which we inhabit inside and out takes on fresh, new meaning. In wakeful being, we are no longer asleep to the self-constructed ideals that limit the fullness and richness of our lives.