The Power of “Mindsight”
by meditative - August 30th, 2010.Filed under: Insights for Mindful Intelligence.
The light of our awareness is focused through “mindsight”…
Throughout these insights, we have made numerous references to the tool of “mindsight”. In simplistic terms, we might refer to it as the light of awareness. It emanates from our open awareness and free attention. It is highly sensitive, illuminated, refined, flexible, and reflective in nature. It’s light of both illuminating and penetrating quality. It is an energy that allows our presence to be “presence”- and to be part of a “flowing” and “fluid” process that reflects the truth or reality of what is seen and sensed.
Mindsight is born of our natural intelligence and wisdom. It is the seed of our intention to see the very nature and dynamic of our being- the roots of our suffering and of our happiness. To see deeply into our interconnectedness and “interbeing” with all that exits as part of a “fluid” and “flowing” universe.
As a reflective and illuminated lens of sensed reality, we begin to see clearly how our habits and conditioning- as well as our impulses for attachment with pleasure and avoidance of pain stimulate conditions for a life of perpetual turbulence. How we ultimately see our states of mind can be the gateway to transforming our relationship to them. What we think we are can be very different from the way we see how we are…
To see behind the image and projection of an ego constructed “self” and conceptual “identity”, there is our true nature… the raw, naked, and dynamic essence of a human being… warm, compassionate, gentle, and inherently “good”.
Mindsight gives us the capacity to observe the expansiveness of our awareness while allowing us to focus in our attention to the subtlest of details either within our outside the mind-body experience. When stable and concentrated, its penetrating light/energy can “cut” through the impulses and reactionary forces that seek to bind our “free attention”.
With practice, the tool of mindsight becomes a highly refined and precision instrument for seeing the workings of our mind- the patterns, reactionary impulses, and their corresponding feeling and bodily states. Using mindsight, we transcend the temporal state of being. It is in this light of sensing where we merge with the timelessness of the awareness itself. The observing and sensing self experiences a revelation- an illuminated Way into more harmonious and balanced states of well-being and fulfillment.
Seeing clearly into the subtleties and fullness of our minds at work, we come to know the nature of our own humanity- the dynamic of our own humanity- as well the limits and the expansiveness of our minds and mind states. Only that which is clearly seen can be truly transformed. The clear sanity of our being is brought to light within the reflective, sensitive, and flexible lens of mindsight. All that is scattered and noisy now becomes ordered, quiet, and stable as it is seen through an orientation of sensing rather than thinking. The reactive energy that once routinely carried us away is now transmuted into a concentrated “force” which sustains and strengthens our power of observation, as well as our capacity for transformation. Embrace the “light” of your awareness and let mindsight help you see who, how, and what you are…