The Emerging Self
by meditative - July 20th, 2010.Filed under: Insights for Mindful Intelligence.
We are a work in process that need embrace its own emerging nature.
The deepening aspects of our reflective practice is working to develop and strengthen the prefrontal cortex of our brains. Through this 1st person immersion into the interiority of our minds, we are also balancing our regulatory circuitry and restoring our internal measure. We are becoming attuned inside and outside ourselves as we “see” from a stable, open, observing, and objective perspective. We are emerging with integration and coherence of consciousness from a nurtured core- one that is trusting and accepting- and one that respects the sovereignty and dignity of its multiplicity.
In coming to understand our minds, we have awakened to the interconnection and interbeing shared by us all- and that we are all a part of a larger “whole”. The spaciousness of our minds has opened our realm of possibilities. We are transforming our neural circuitry to be more responsive and less reactive. We are emerging with an integrated, sentient, and intuitive self that now has greater accessibility to the interiority of its own being. Insight and interoception has given us the ability to recognize shifts in bodily states (i.e. body wisdom), and to see what’s happening inside of our minds in the here and now.
With a strong sense of compassion, kindness, and gentleness to how we approach our direct experiences, we have transmuted rigidity into receptivity. We have developed the mindful skill and mastery to simply note our mental arisings without being swept away by them. With this grounding from center, we can sustain awareness of awareness, and discern our awareness from the other activities of the mind.
Using our mindfulness and its reflective techniques, we have journeyed beneath the layers of the adaptive- the “narrative” self. We have transcended the limits of an identity rigidly composed to protect what it fears to lose. The mindful- the emerging self- the self of suchness has manifested into being full of openness and curiosity to connect directly and fearlessly to its own experiences. We have emerged balanced and coordinated from our mindful-awareness training with a strong sense of equilibrium and equanimity. The high road of our brain’s executive functioning is now paved with clear discernment to be highly adaptive and resilient. The circuitry of our brains, the regulatory flow of information and energy through our minds and our bodies are now harnessed, stimulated, and reinforced to function from a very ordinary yet higher order intention.
Intentionally deep reflection and contemplation is bringing us closer and closer to the mystery of our being. The energy, resonance, and momentum inherent to our shifting perspective and to our evolving consciousness is widening our circle. In reaching deeply from the inside out, we are coming to know and to share the changing nature of who we truly are. We are emerging and the world is emerging into a changing frontier where dissociation and disconnection are starting to give way to deeper associations and connections not only with self and with others, but the whole world in which we live. The truth of who we truly are as a species of human beings is emerging from this awakening shift in collective consciousness.