Practice: “Being” This Holiday Season
by meditative - December 5th, 2011.Filed under: Attending Meditation Exercises.
~ Inspired by author & educator, Jeffrey Brantley, MD
This holiday season, take some time each day to stop and to be present with yourself and life… just as it is… remembering that inner peace & stillness exists inside of us all regardless of the outer circumstances. Here is a personal mindfulness practice in breathing: an exercise for paying attention to the breath as a way of stopping “doing” and simply “being”…
Take 5 minutes a couple of times a day… stop and practice bringing a gentle attention to the sensations of your own breath and body and allow them to flow naturally whether you are sitting or lying down comfortably in a place where you are not likely to be disturbed. After you get some experience with this practice, you will be able to do it anywhere.
Allow yourself to simply relax… close your eyes, soften your belly, and allow your breath to flow naturally in and out. Bring an open & receptive attention to the sensations of the breath as it flows… and concentrate your attention on the breath sensations. Allow yourself to feel the in breath… a pause… the out breath… and another pause. As best you can, try to sustain a continuous and fine attention on the breath. Whenever you become distracted, by thoughts, sounds, other sensations, or anything else, notice that, allow it, and gently return attention to your breath.
As your concentration strengthens, and awareness of your breath sensations grows clearer, try expanding your focus and breathe with any thoughts, other sensations, sounds, etc., that may happen during this practice. In this way, you are including any “distraction” (not fighting it). You simply breathe with “what’s happening” in the moment as it is happening… and allowing it to unfold within the experience of your breath sensations—as you continue to pay kind, non-judging attention. When ready, end your practice by gently opening your eyes and moving your body back you’re your ordinary activities.
Taking some time in this way of being with the breath as it flows in and out enables a deeper and richer connection with life itself, moment by moment. To remember this, you will surely be “home for the holidays.”