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My Meditative Moments


Daily Reflection - December 9th, 2024

If important enough for us to be aware, that which we deny, distract, or avoid to ‘see’ will eventually get our attention and wake us up.

by meditative - June 30th, 2020

we must speak to be heard…

by meditative - June 5th, 2020

from division, we unify…

Why Do We “Sit”?

by meditative - June 5th, 2020

As practitioners, we may have different motivations “to sit”. However, to sustain our practice, we need to clarify our intention… especially as “sitting” on a regular basis can offer both subtle and explicit challenges to our dedication and self-discipline. To overcome our difficulties in practice, our aspirations need to be honest, relevant, realistic, and purposeful. […]

The ‘Big Questions’

by meditative - June 3rd, 2020

We’re all on the same path as human beings simply allowing our ‘big questions’ to unfold with the spontaneity and uncertainty of life itself. Open-minded & curious, we’re free to ask- to experience- and to live the questions each and every moment of our lives…

by meditative - June 3rd, 2020

what we resist will persist…

The Breath: A ‘Cycle-Breaker’

by meditative - June 1st, 2020

The breath is not only an ‘anchor’ for our attention, it can be used skillfully to short-circuit our unconscious impulses to behave on ‘automatic pilot’- and to give in to our mind’s undercurrent of conditioning to act without pause, notice & reflection. REMEMBER to breathe into your habitual moments and to take notice of your […]

by meditative - June 1st, 2020

lessons are to teach us…

Life’s 180º Shift

by meditative - May 29th, 2020

Life’s a matter of interpretation regardless of the “color” and “content” of the events we experience. Every day we make conscious and free choices to see, perceive, and relate to our lives in certain ways. To effectively adapt, we learn to make sense of our lives in new & fresh ways. To be mindful is […]

by meditative - May 29th, 2020

change will move us…

‘Just like me’…

by meditative - May 22nd, 2020

Just like me… you have a mind & body. You experience thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations; joy & happiness; pain & sorrow; love & anger; fear & courage; success & failure, etc. Together we aspire to love & be loved; to learn & grow; to be happy & fulfilled; to be free from suffering, etc. […]