Our Gift of the Present Moment
by meditative - November 3rd, 2016.Filed under: Insights for Mindful Intelligence, Mindfulness for Parents & Children.
Right here & now… we are directly and intimately in this time & space. With gratitude this present moment is a joyful gift of knowing we are alive & aware of our aliveness. Moment by moment, the gift of our presence is real & immediate absent of what conceptually may have been… or what may soon be.
Now is all there is, and the future is just another present moment to live when it arrives. The best things in life are those held closest in awareness.
Take this moment and simply be aware of yourself being aware… ‘breathe’ and know that you are breathing… ‘see’ and know that you are seeing… ‘hear’ and know that you are hearing, etc.
Take pause and allow the fullness of this moment to unfold and expand in the limitless field of your awareness. Be free and without judgment of what is. Simply be awake to all the possibilities that may present themselves right here and right now. Relax & pay close attention, you are living your life alive to this wonderful gift… this present moment.