Music: Relaxing & “Weightless”
by meditative - February 16th, 2012.Filed under: Mindful News, Events, & Resources.
“Weightless” by Marconi Union
Below is an eight minute YouTube track called “Weightless” by a British musical trio called Marconi Union. It is a series of carefully arranged harmonies, rhythms and bass lines that make claim to help slow the heart rate, reduce blood pressure and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
The Manchester group, Marconi Union, worked with sound therapists to create this soothing tune, which also claims to slow breathing and reduce brain activity. Lyz Cooper, founder of the British Academy of Sound Therapy, says that the song’s rhythm begins at 60 beats per minute and then gradually falls to 50 by the end. The song’s lack of melodic repetition quiets the brain from trying to predict a musical pattern.
While the song definitely has some subjectively relaxing qualities to it… you might want to give it a listen for yourself and draw your own conclusions.