‘Gemmelsmerch’ is what?
by meditative - April 15th, 2020.Filed under: Insights for Mindful Intelligence.
Gemmelsmerch is the power of a given object, person, event, etc, to distract one from one’s purpose (coined by US psychiatrist Edward Hallowell)
It’s like the gravitational force behind what draws away our focused attention… the energy behind all the various activities swirling & tempting the discursive & busy mind.
Can we control the numerous sources of gemmelsmerch in our crazy busy and overextended lives? For e.g. the internet, emails, texting, television, COVID-19, etc. Self-awareness and self-regulation are important skills necessary to mitigating the forces that distract us from what we really want or ought to be doing. We must be deliberate and prioritize what & when we give our undivided attention to something despite our impulses to allow it to wander elsewhere.
Make the most of your moments… they are precious & highly perishable. Don’t let the gemmelsmerch steal your attention away from those activities that should most matter in your life.