Four Stages of “Attending Meditation”
by meditative - August 31st, 2011.Filed under: Insights For Mindfulness Training.
This settling process of concentrating our “minding” attention or “watchful” observation has 4 stages:
(i). First, we openly and receptively learn to let go of distracting inner objects— such as feelings, thoughts, attractions, and aversions, as well as all outer objects;
(ii). Second, our deliberate intention and effort to “sit” brings about a serene one-pointedness of focus;
(iii). Third, the refinement of this state of concentration or “minding” morphs into a subtler and purer awareness;
(iv). Fourth and final stage is the emergent state of simple wakefulness and equanimity conducive to clear vision and profound comprehension- a state of meta-cognition- pure awareness of awareness.