Exercise- Eating Meditation
by meditative - March 1st, 2010.Filed under: Attending Meditation Exercises, Mindfulness for Parents & Children.
Meditation is an invitation to be awake…
Your path starts right here and right now in the moment with purposeful attention. We are going to start our mindfulness practice with a simple eating meditation. You could use a raisin, nut, grape, piece of chocolate, etc. Bring your food item up to the face for closer inspection. Let your eyes take it in as if you had never seen one of these things before. Observe it in its fullness. Notice its surface features, its shape… its color. As you turn it around with your hand, do you notice any unique features about it? Just observing them. Close your eyes and how does this object feel in your hand… in your fingers… it’s texture?
At some point, bring it up to your nose… does it emit any odor, aroma, or fragrance in your realm of smell. At all times, stay in the moment by moment just observing and taking in your awareness of the senses… seeing, touching, and smelling. Just notice the quality of attention you are giving this object.
When ready, gradually start to bring it up to your lips. Watch how the arm & hand centers the object toward your lips. Before putting into your mouth, notice what’s going on inside the mouth as the body prepares to eat… as the mind anticipates this simple, innate act.
As you bring this item into your mouth… notice how this is working & how you are feeling to bring this object into the mouth … moment by moment. Notice how it gets positioned between the teeth… the role of the tongue in this action… hold it in your awareness moment by moment without biting down.
When the object seems positioned in the mouth, slowly bite down taking 3 or 4 intentional, deliberate,mindful “chews” while remaining open to what is going on in the mouth through your senses (e.g. tactile, tasting). Slowly continue to chew & experience chewing and tasting moment by moment by moment.
Before swallowing, notice the impulse and intention to swallow. Be aware of the intention to swallow… the first impulse to swallow what’s left of what you have just chewed… and how it’s positioned to be swallowed. Be in touch with the swallowing.
After swallowing, rest in the awareness of having swallowed, and the aftermath… how it feels in this moment… how the whole body feels after having just eaten this item. Just rest in this spacious attention & allow yourself to feel how things are right here & now in this moment… in the aftermath of all that’s come before. Whether your eyes are open or closed… seeing if you can see how it feels in the body, the mouth… the mind.
Feel free to eat another of your selected items mindfully,with the purposeful attention of just being, knowing, and resting in the moment for what it is… for the seeing, smelling, moving, receiving, chewing, tasting, swallowing, and the aftermath… and to be the knowing of this experience as each moment unfolds into your conscious awareness… moment by moment. This is your introductory practice of mindfulness meditation.