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My Meditative Moments

‘Be Kind.’

by meditative - December 24th, 2015.
Filed under: Insights for Mindful Intelligence.

SM_H-BeKindThe world seems to get smaller as the heart grows larger… and there’s seemingly never enough kindness in this world.

Can we find it within our hearts to be kind always? The possibilities for acts of kindness are relatively endless. Even our littlest of efforts- our smallest of gestures- and even one kind word can be the impetus for more lasting change.

Share a smile… feel & witness the ‘warmth’ & ‘goodness’ it brings forth.

We exist in this world because of someone else’s kindness, so why shouldn’t we pay it forward and reach out to help another just because…

With kindness and compassion, we can open ourselves up to be present, to listen, and to better understand what appears to separate us may also connect us.

Being kinder than necessary is at the heart of our evolution. Showing kindness not only has the energy to shift and move us, it has the power to transform us- individually & collectively.

Care for yourself, others, and this world with kindness. This is the Way.


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