Stressed Teens
by meditative - September 25th, 2011.Filed under: Mindful News, Events, & Resources, Mindfulness for Parents & Children.
Stressed Teens, otherwise known as the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teens (MBSR-T) Program, was founded in 2004. Stressed Teens has been demonstrated through research to be an effective and evidence-based intervention to reduce adolescent stress and the physical and psychological problems that result. Stressed Teens is adapted in a variety of ways to accommodate the setting in which it is being offered. This program is frequently utilized with individuals, families, and in-group settings.
Stressed Teens teaches mindfulness skills and provides tools for those in their pre-teen years through latter adolescence. Mindfulness involves paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and can be cultivated through both formal and informal mindfulness practices. Stressed Teens takes a mind-body approach and focuses on the whole person. Teens often have difficulty with their social skills, emotions, confidence, procrastination, impulsivity and attention. Stressed Teens can improve a teen’s functioning and quality of living socially, physically and psychologically.