Sunday, August 18th, 2019
beyond ignorance, there’s growth…
When we hide from the TRUTH, we cannot grow individually or collectively.
Suffering= Pain x Resistance Resilience= Pain x Acceptance Our ability to work with our pain can diminish our suffering while enhancing our resilience. This ‘heartfulness’ may help us to embrace what we may not be able to change. It may also give us the insight and resource to transform the emotions and ‘storyline’ that often […]
Others most remember how we make them feel by what we say and do.
‘Awake’, we come to remember to take pause to be in this moment- to routinely allow a calm and relaxed composure to wash over our entire being as we simply witness our own accessibility to be fully present. In this space of awareness we come to notice things as they are- as they are arising […]
If tomorrow was indeed an outgrowth of today, wouldn’t we want to be fully present with the ‘seeds’ we are planting in the NOW…
Not everything is about us. We don’t have to take others, our own experiences, or ourselves too personally. Life is all a matter of interpretation, and we are all part of a much bigger picture interdependent upon causes and conditions that transcend us individually.
Time can be like a thief, slipping in and passing away… stealing our precious moments when we are not paying attention.