Friday, July 15th, 2016
fragmented w/o clarity or focus…
It is this ‘human condition’ or propensity to ‘suffering’ that unites us all. Regardless of our dwelling in life, we must all ultimately travel the same path of humanity. Together we shall all cross our paths before we cease to exist with some level of understanding as to why we are who we are… Take […]
We tend to forget that focus and clarity are born out of ‘space’ filled with nothing but ’emptiness’.
‘Tell the story’… about what happened and what you may have been feeling when it happened. ‘It’s okay’ to not quite understand our feelings, thoughts, or bodily sensations. Difficult situations can leave us confused and sometimes frightened. As parents we can be attentive by listening closely and by helping our children to facilitate their ‘stories’ […]
What happens when we really begin to listen by turning our attention inward to our body? What do we begin to notice? How does it feel? How does it want to be treated, moved, and fed?
There is no benefit of mind, body, or spirit in holding onto something we can no longer change for the better. Honor the past, let it go and let it be.
In this ‘breathing space’, we may come to uncover the freedom found in ‘choiceless’ or ‘pure’ awareness. We may come to awaken to a boundless space that is expansive and inclusive. Here, there is no judgment, conception, or opinion. There is simply space & awareness. It is here that we may curiously encounter our most […]