Wednesday, August 26th, 2015
purposeful pauses, here & now…
With this intentional respite, we bring our awareness & attention back into the moment… relaxed, calm, and focused… here & now. After reading this brief instruction, gently close your eyes and center your attention on the breath (on the inhale & exhale- nostrils or belly) allowing awareness the open invitation to simply ‘NOTICE’- observing or witnessing without […]
We are still. We are calm. We are quiet. In this stillness we begin to relax and open up into our awareness. It is here in this stillness that we really begin to feel and know ourselves in this present moment- both intimately and directly.
What is the intent here?… FREEDOM from ‘attachment’… the ‘attachment’ that brings us suffering, and to help others cultivate the skillfulness for this FREEDOM.
With ‘felt awareness’… experience the emotional generosity of kindness for yourself… and for others. What we freely and unconditionally give to ourselves, we can genuinely expand and offer to others. It’s this quality of sentiment that nourishes the whole of our being.
Me, myself, and my ‘storyline’, and this not self-referential? A ‘storyline’ may define our experiences, but it does not give a true and complete picture of who & what we genuinely are beyond preconceptions and beliefs.
For more balanced and appropriate responses to our experiences, especially those charged with emotion, we need to PAUSE… to BREATHE… and to allow space and time for our thoughts to catch up with our feelings. Knee-jerk (reflexive) reactions are conditioned by our past experiences. Emotion (impulse) often precedes our thought… giving rise to thought and […]