Sunday, May 31st, 2015Take the first step. The fear will dissipate as you prove your thoughts wrapped around the uncertainty to be inaccurate.
Take the first step. The fear will dissipate as you prove your thoughts wrapped around the uncertainty to be inaccurate.
This is a ‘practice’- a discipline- a commitment. This is an openly heartfelt Way of sensing & observing- and of being & doing. It is cultivating and bringing a refined quality of discerning awareness- a wakeful sensitivity into our daily living… moment by moment. Curious and intentional, we continuously remember that every moment can be […]
A ‘rotation of consciousness’, and we begin this process of awakening with a clearer intent to ‘see’ deeply into what is a reflection of our own being- deeply interconnected and interdependent- as well as seamlessly whole and expansive. Through these ‘fresh eyes’, there now arises the insight for a new level of understanding and appreciation […]
We cannot take back the hurtful things we have said or done, but we can learn from them- to feel our own ‘wrongdoings’ is the first step in making things ‘right’.
Mindfulness training is waking up to ‘YOU’… your mind, your body, your experiences, your life… moment by moment.
‘Breathe in’, pay attention. ‘Breathe out’, pay attention. It starts here with a simple practice in waking up to the present moment of living… here & now.