Wednesday, November 19th, 2014
clear goals & space to achieve them…
Sitting with regularity… we begin to become more calm- more regulated- and more clear as to the habits of mind- the cycles of thoughts and impulses. Calm and clear, we gain ‘space’ and capacity to free ourselves from indulging these habits.
The ‘meditative mind’ begins with a clear intention to ‘sit’… openly & nonjudgmentally… to ‘sit’ for the sake of mindfully ‘sitting’. Here & now, we systematically yet compassionately work with our own mind (thoughts & feelings) and body (sensations) balancing ‘free’ yet focused attention (concentration) with receptive & relaxed awareness. Our aspiration is to sustain […]
Reflection is the mirror to understanding what is the truth- it is without bias, opinion, or judgment.
We cannot transform our ‘mental afflictions’ without facing and understanding the nature of their presence in our lives.
It’s simply a matter of attention- knowing what is and discerning what is not.
This ‘open awareness’ can afford us receptivity without judgment or boundary. This ‘free attention’ can bring us to a place of clearer understanding.