Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014Slowing it down gives us our attention the opportunity to actually focus & steady, with more reliable processing…
Slowing it down gives us our attention the opportunity to actually focus & steady, with more reliable processing…
In this ‘breathing space’ of ‘pure awareness’, we simply sit and notice where our attention may bring itself to be…
Meditating we may synchronize with our own being- our mind/heart & body- our neuroses & sanity. It is here in this ‘BREATHING SPACE’ that we may harmonize our relationships with all that we experience- openly & compassionately…
We cannot cultivate our inherent sanity. It is already within us. What’s most important is our ability to ‘stay the course’ so that we may uncover and recover this ‘basic’ sanity….
Trust is not something we discover or cultivate. It’s something that has always been there for us to recover as we peel away the layers of our existence that seem to have obscured it…
Although you may not relate to all that was written into the lyrics of “Imagine” by John Lennon, there are many words here that resonate with our sentiments for a united world… in living for the moment… and in living a life of peace. Are we simply dreamers who want to awaken to a more […]