Friday, May 31st, 2013A shift from ‘thinking’ to ‘awarenessing’ opens up space for our mind to quiet, reboot, and restore.
A shift from ‘thinking’ to ‘awarenessing’ opens up space for our mind to quiet, reboot, and restore.
Don’t be intimidated by any situation you may experience… as you have the ‘heart’ and ‘mind’ to ‘see’ your way through the unknown.
Here & now… things are impermanent… we are all interconnected… and we are complete.
Inside this ‘dream’, I awakened only to discover another ‘dream’.
Acknowledgment without judgment helps to create the possibility for deeper understanding of what we are observing.
The choices we make condition and shape our lives. We must learn to be mindful of the thoughts, feelings, and intent motivating our choices.
Compassion and nonjudgment are fundamental to mindfulness practice. It is this kindness & openness we bring to ourselves and to others that has the inherent power to change the world.
Life can take on very different meaning simply by how we ATTEND to it…
‘Observational distance’ brings more space between the observer and the ‘object’ of experience. With practice, we may come to view our troubled mind without fear and bias.
As we learn to better accept “where we are”, we may find ourselves naturally opening up and noticing more of the subtleties driving our thoughts, feelings, and sensations.