Monday, December 31st, 2012We have conditioned ‘latent tendencies’ of mind. In practice, we bring close attention & observation unto examining & knowing these tendencies.
We have conditioned ‘latent tendencies’ of mind. In practice, we bring close attention & observation unto examining & knowing these tendencies.
The frequent thoughts we continuously energize ultimately become an inclination of mind… a habit of mind.
We practice breath awareness to come home to ourselves… to be with ourselves as we are… and to clearly and honestly know ourselves as we are.
The defilements of mind have a tendency to poison the heart-felt energy we all inherently hold to live a life of happiness and fulfillment.
Is there no greater love to give another than a true expression for their freedom and happiness?
As technology continues to advance our own ‘artificial intelligence’… are we simply reinforcing a life we reflexively sustain inside our heads?
The mind tries to separate what the heart holds together. Fear may only protect the love we are afraid to openly embrace.
Practice is a ‘Way’ to better understand the nature of what we experience… moment by moment.
Contemplation can enlarge and connect us to the essence of our nature, and beyond…
The energy to remember to be here & now… is an act of mindfulness.