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My Meditative Moments

Archive for June, 2011


Monday, June 13th, 2011

In the absence of separation, I am fully present- timeless seeing in the here and now. When I step into “here”, there is nowhere else to go- nothing to expect or to get. May self-reflection & self-awareness light your day.

Befriending Our Bodies

Monday, June 13th, 2011

Take a few moments here to view a short video clip with Jon Kabat-Zinn- founder, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program- as he shares in the expansiveness of being, the embodiment of being, and befriending our bodies…


Sunday, June 12th, 2011

In this practice, we are moved by a deep concern for the human condition and the mystery surrounding the emerging process of our humanity. May self-reflection & self-awareness light your day.


Saturday, June 11th, 2011

Deep personal concern for self, others, and the world we inhabit. It is this level of concern that has the power to transform intention, disposition, and behavior. May self-reflection & self-awareness light your day.

Creating a Mindful Society

Friday, June 10th, 2011

This is a long-anticipated and collaborative event sponsored by the ““, “Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society“, and “Omega Institute“. This may be one of 2011’s landmark gatherings in the mindfulness community. The program is designed for anyone truly interested in mindful living or want to learn more about the transformative power […]


Friday, June 10th, 2011

Is it collective blindness or unconsciousness that is bringing down our “house and home”- stripping us of our collective unity and sensibility as a species of human beings? May self-reflection & self-awareness light your day.


Thursday, June 9th, 2011

Sometimes in life, we have to experience failure or breakdown on some level before we can realize and understand how misguided our path may truly be. May self-reflection & self-awareness light your day.


Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

What if I were to suggest that becoming human is a process where we remain undetermined- emerging and unfolding on a path toward greater humanity. May self-reflection & self-awareness light your day.

Integrating Contemplative Education

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

A discursive mind restricts a child’s capacity to concentrate, to attend, and to be fully engaged … Abstracted from an article by Dr. Patricia Jennings, Director of the Contemplation and Education Program at Garrison Institute. What is the prospect of our educators using contemplative and mindfulness-based approaches to teaching? In using these approaches can our […]


Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Why should we try to come to know ourselves and ultimately even to become awakened to what is happening here and now in ourselves- consciously aware of who we are and how we have become what we are? May self-reflection & self-awareness light your day.