Sunday, January 23rd, 2011To make peace with oneself- to acknowledge one’s arisings and to allow them just to be represents true acceptance. Peace, light & insight be with you.
To make peace with oneself- to acknowledge one’s arisings and to allow them just to be represents true acceptance. Peace, light & insight be with you.
Free attention and open awareness changes our relationship with our minds. How we relate to our arisings in the mind can alter our adaptive capacity- our flexibility and resilience to be more responsive and less reactive. Peace, light & insight be with you.
When we come to accept our cognitive and emotional arisings- whatever their content- we stop struggling and expending energy to change, avoid, dispel, or attach to them. Peace, light & insight be with you.
STOP and take pause throughout your day. Simply focus on your breath and reconnect with your body observing what is happening for you in the moment. Be attentive of your mind-body process and how your state of being “is” and changes in the cradle of your awareness. Regular informal mindfulness practice helps to nourish the […]
Storylines obscure the reflective capacity of our mindsight. We cannot see clearly through what consumes our free attention. Peace, light & insight be with you.
[audio:MM-Relaxing-into-Your-Posture.mp3] Adapted From Susan L. Smalley, PhD & Diana Winston (“Fully Present”) This is a formal attending meditation exercise to be practiced in a quiet space where you will not be interrupted by external stimuli for at least 15-20 minutes. Sit comfortably with a solid, stable, and relaxed posture… a relaxed body will help to […]
The mind’s running commentary is a storyline often disconnected from the truth of experiential reality. Peace, light & insight be with you.
Our psychological flexibility to adapt is strengthened as we allow our true nature to reflect and resonate with the reality of our direct experiences. Peace, light & insight be with you.
“Experiential avoidance” is not a working option in our mindfulness practice- control strategies for our thoughts and feelings often just leads to a self-perpetuating cycle of cognitive and emotional entrapment. Peace, light & insight be with you.
The discursive mind consumes our capacity to experience presence, and the contentment and fulfillment of being fearlessly accepting of all that is arising in the present moment. Peace, light & insight be with you.