Thursday, December 23rd, 2010The continuity of our inner light flows continuously within our emerging experience- this sense of “flow” and of continuity is perceived in our presence of being.
The continuity of our inner light flows continuously within our emerging experience- this sense of “flow” and of continuity is perceived in our presence of being.
Place no mind above your own… see & experience the “truth” for yourself. Meditation engages our awareness in participatory observation. We are part of the witnessing process- simply watching objectively and openly the inner workings of our own mind over and over again. With time and practice, our mind becomes calm, stable, concentrated, and steady. […]
We need to practice what we aspire- to be at peace, we need to practice peacefulness- to be compassionate, we need to practice compassion- to be generous, we need to practice generosity…. and so on and so on.
The axis of time draws our attention into the discursiveness of mind.
Time slows- timelessness emerges with stillness- the quietness of merging our awareness deeply with the immediacy of our experience. This is refined attunement of presence.
Discontent with the present moment is often a reification of our past- this disconnects us from our nowness and from what we truly are- “presence in the here and now”.
Mindsight helps us to uncover the truth about the cause of our suffering so we can undo it.
The luminosity of our “true nature”- its radiance to light our Way is always now- here and now. Our nature is “light”- pure, fresh, ageless, and timeless.
Let’s end the suspense. Being where we are simply means being in the moment- intently attending with immediacy.
Being aware of our mental process and how it manipulates what we experience helps us to recognize our tendency to be carried away by all that we objectify to support our separate sense of “self”.