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My Meditative Moments

Wakefulness at Work

by meditative - December 6th, 2014.
Filed under: Insights for Mindful Intelligence, Zen Henry.

Slow it down. Be open. Be attentive. Be flexible. Be honest

Show up here & now, and engage your work situations with purposeful, clear intent and the skillfulness to know. Confidence and trust will begin to follow your routine openness and honesty to truly understand the nature of your experiences.

When we foster a curious disposition and become fully engaged with our work situations regardless of their challenge or complication… we begin to realize our inner resources and capacities to courageously stay the course… and to cultivate more confidence and competency in the process.

With this wakeful presence, we are at ease and alert… poised and disposed for success through our spirited (heartfelt) aspiration to attend our work fully & honestly… openly and fearlessly.


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