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My Meditative Moments

Video: “The Only Way Out is In”

by meditative - May 4th, 2012.
Filed under: Mindful News, Events, & Resources.

This wonderfully insightful TEDx video illustrates how prisoners transformed their culture of violence and despair to one of inner peace and redemption. Cultural anthropologist, filmmaker, writer, and psychotherapist, Jenny Phillips, describes how the tranquility of ancient Buddhist meditation at a maximum-security (Donaldson) correctional facility in Alabama helps prisoners emerge from a rigorous Vipassana program with a renewed self-image and a greater sense of personal responsibility. Donaldson is known as the “House of Pain,” the end of the line in Alabama’s prison system. It is here in the deep south where a 2600-year old Eastern tradition meets the West in a heavy atmosphere of misery, hopelessness and violence.

In 2008, Phillips produced and directed a documentary film, The Dhamma Brothers. The film had a national theatrical release in 2008, and a national broadcast on public television in 2010. “The Dhamma Brothers” will premiere on the Oprah Winfrey Network May 6th at 11AM EST as part of the “Super Soul Sunday” programming!



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