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My Meditative Moments

Video: Exploring How Mindfulness Can Transform Education

by meditative - December 7th, 2011.
Filed under: Mindful News, Events, & Resources.

The ‘Mindful Revolution: Exploring How Mindfulness Can Transform Education’ is a student-run initiative at the University of Pennsylvania, exploring how mindfulness, positive psychology, and character development can transform our education system from the inside out—at the level of the students themselves.

Their goal is to raise awareness on the implications of minding one’s internal health—emotionally, socially, and psychologically. They plan to do this through exploring the existing research available on this topic as well as helping to launch and study a pilot mindfulness-based program called YES! (Youth Empowerment Seminar) right in the city of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia.

Take 15 minutes here to watch this video clip that highlights a truly mindful initiative…


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