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My Meditative Moments

The Wounded Soul

by meditative - May 7th, 2016.
Filed under: Insights for Mindful Intelligence.

Our troubles flow from being separated from our instincts. ~ Carl Jung

Who am I beneath my assumed ‘identities’ and the roles that I play as the person I portray myself to be? What are my deepest values- my deepest truth? Is the life that I am living the one I have truly intended to live- or am I to transfer the burden of my life unlived to my children? How do I know my soul or psyche is healthy and whole, and not unknowingly ‘wounded’. If I do carry such a ‘wounded’ soul, how have I internalized such a “message”- and how has it manifested in my ‘Way‘?

What are the longings of my soul, and how do I know what they are? Intuitively, how do I listen for these “longings”- and if I do hear what my soul is “asking” or “calling”, how do I respond with courage, honesty, and care?

When we respond to the intuitive messages of our soul, there arises an underlying ‘force’ or energy in support of the “cause”. There is a sensed feeling of “rightness” or internal confirmation in our intentions and efforts to spontaneously move in a more congruent way with what our soul is asking. In all its “simplicity”, we awaken to what is “right” and to living a life that provides healing for our wounded soul. Here and now, we begin breaking free of the ego’s delusional sovereignty over what our life is intended to be. The ‘mask’ is simply a mask, and we must remove it to begin to know and to understand the truth of our own being.

Through our obscurity and the obstacle of “self”, we begin emerging from what we have rigidly become. We come to the realization that our wounded soul needs “space” to allow its interior yearnings to manifest- to discontinue in our struggle to try and figure it all out- to relinquish our ego-centric adaptations- and to give ourselves permission to be with our own unfolding nature- honestly and authentically.

To recover our soul is a metaphor for uncovering our true nature. From here, we stand on the purposeful ground of spiritual awakening. To ask the question of what our soul seeks and to truly listen to its “calling” is to begin a process of deep and profound healing. It is from here that we begin to “shift” from a “portrayed self” to our “natural self”.


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