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My Meditative Moments

Spiritual Maturity…

by meditative - March 21st, 2011.
Filed under: Insights for Mindful Intelligence.

This is the Way of the examined life.

As we evolve and emerge into our Way of self-discovery, we gain a clearer sense of what engages our “life energy”… of what connects and transforms it. This is real work that is often deep and painful, with no “quick fix” like many “self-help” or “pop psychology” texts would like to make us believe. This path is not designed for our comfort, it is set to challenge us- and to summon us from our ego-centric orientation of the small “i”. In this process of excavating our deeper “truth”, we come to tolerate the ambivalence and ambiguity. We settle into the uncertainties of our being as we cannot afford to compromise the “truth” for the sake of sustaining deluded sureties.

The “examined life” (~Socrates) helps us to investigate where we fit into the overall scheme of our human condition. It is contact with our own transcendence- what some refer to as the “radical other”. The fact that “I don’t know” and “I am uncertain” are proclamations giving gravitas to our Way. They resonate the impetus for our curiosity and openness to self-discovery within the unknown, and into the mystery of our own being.

As we mature in our spiritual process, we cannot reassert certainties, we have to take the leap of faith into the transcendence of authority and conditioning. We begin to trust our inner resonance for what moves us instinctually toward understanding our own mystery. We grow up and become larger than our image of “self”. We emerge into something more than we may wish to be, but need to be. We transcend our comfort level and move closer to embracing our obscurity and doubt. It is here that there is insight into our mystery and into the depths of our unconsciousness.

Our spiritual maturity represents a profound commitment to a search- to a meaningful and purposeful inquiry into the depths of what conditions our growth, development, emergence, and transcendence. The catalyst and sustaining energy of our spiritual awakening is the process itself. Into the “flow” we go. We have shown up to examine this life- our life- the one life we have been gifted to live.


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