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My Meditative Moments


Daily Reflection - July 28th, 2020

We have truly lost our ‘way’ when fear triumphs over fact. We must remain disciplined and diligent in transforming our fears with fact and truth.

90 Second PAUSE…

by meditative - July 9th, 2019

Research has shown that the average emotion physiologically lasts only about 90 seconds. The reason emotions can seem to last longer is because we re-trigger and fuel them with the energy of our thoughts. The patterns of thought that quickly arise during a heightened “feeling state” often lead to what is referred to as emotional […]


by meditative - July 6th, 2019

‘Missing in action’, we become estranged from having real presence in our own lives. We forget to show up for the experiences directly before us. Reality happens as we remain lost in the activities of mind. Life happens whether we directly participate in the “performance” of truly living or not. Be where it most matters… […]


by meditative - July 2nd, 2019

Bear witness to the past & future as only thoughts about what may have been or what may come to be, but be FREE to know what really matters is what’s HERE & NOW.


by meditative - June 29th, 2019

There’s no other way. ‘Awakening’ is a “DO IT YOURSELF” kind of process- with the hard work no one else can do for you.


by meditative - June 26th, 2019

Our mind works diligently at interpreting and narrating the events of our life to us. Our awareness simply allows us to experience them, directly and intimately, without indulging in them- to experience them simply as they are. In the space of awareness we can witness our events of mind- our thinking, feeling, and sensing- without […]

‘ A Still & Quiet Way’

by meditative - June 25th, 2019

Our mind is analogous to a vessel of cloudy water constantly agitated by the moving sediment of thought and feeling. The longer we are able to keep the vessel of cloudy water still, the more the sediment settles down and the water will be seen clearly. Through the continuity and consistency of our mindfulness practice, […]


by meditative - June 23rd, 2019

Being imperfectly perfect makes us who we are. It’s our signature, and it’s this uniqueness and commonality that all of humanity shares. The essence of our existence is developmental in nature. It’s a process not a destination, and like “perfection’, we are ‘relative’ not ‘absolute.’   Imperfection broken down: I’m perfection… just as I am.

‘Unfinished Business’… Letting Things Unfold

by meditative - June 19th, 2019

Our brains have been hard-wired and our minds deeply conditioned to think and problem solve. Historically, we have survived, adapted, and evolved with an architecture and circuitry of a brain networked to receive sensory impulses for immediate processing- mainly for self-protection and preservation. There is significant angst and unrest when events of mind are left […]

‘Befriend Your Fears’…

by meditative - June 18th, 2019

Befriend your fears and you will free yourself to live a life that is full of wonder. Many of our own possibilities come to pass as we are paralyzed by the uncertainty- by the inadequacy that is self-described. Our fears lose their power over us when we are strong enough- courageous enough- and compassionate enough […]

‘Observational Distance’

by meditative - June 14th, 2019

As best you can, try to simply notice your thoughts… and allow some ‘observational distance’ between yourself as the observer & what you are thinking. ‘Observational distance’ can reduce the likelihood of energizing and empowering our thoughts while revealing their often ‘empty’ nature. Many of our thoughts simply arise from our subconscious. They are fused […]