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My Meditative Moments

‘Failure & Recovery’

by meditative - April 28th, 2020.
Filed under: Insights for Mindful Intelligence.

How do we view our failures? Can we honestly and confidently accept our failings as simply part of our recovery process?

Through refined self-awareness of our cognitive & emotional patterns toward our unsuccessful efforts, we can begin to notice the conditions that feed into our inner response system. By paying close attention, we can recognize both our strengths that support ‘recovery’ as well as our weaknesses that give into the reactive indulgences of mind that hinder our ability and willingness to move forward.

Fine-tuning our self-awareness can help facilitate a quicker recovery from our failings. Despite our natural tendencies to make mistakes along the way toward realizing our aspirations, we are able to sustain a positive outlook by how we view & relate to our missteps. As we mature in our process, all of our experiences become ‘grist for the mill’. 

What we may not know in this moment may be the seed for our clarity & recovery in the next…


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