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My Meditative Moments

Exercise- Loving Kindness (Metta) Meditation

by meditative - May 1st, 2010.
Filed under: Insight Meditation Exercises.


Introduction and Guidelines– In this meditation, we are going to explore our rightfulness to be happy and wishing happiness for all other sentient beings. The guiding precept of this meditation is that all human beings want to be happy and loving… and “hatred never ceases hatred but by love alone is healed”. Metta or loving kindness is a practice where we transcend our boundaries of separate “self” in connecting with a deeper place, reconnecting with a loving friendship for ourselves and for others. It’s about connecting our heart with others around us… softening to be open to the true intentions of the heart.

The Practice- When ready, let’s assume a comfortable, grounded and stable, seated position. As is customary in our practice, we will begin with anchoring and centering our awareness with our breath. Allow yourself a few moments to just relax in the stillness of your breath the best you can. When you are ready and you feel centered and calm, then we will begin our Metta practice. We will begin this purposeful practice by softening our hearts and by extending and asking for forgiveness, and by repeating some simple forgiving phrases.

Imagine yourself breathing in and out of your heart… gently and easily. As best you can, center your breath in this place.
“Forgiveness of others I have hurt”…  Ask & extend forgiveness for all you have knowingly & unknowingly hurt. Remember and feel the sorrows you carry for having hurt others in your past… “May I be forgiven?”
“Forgiveness for myself”…  Ask & extend forgiveness for all of the pain & sorrows you have knowingly & unknowingly caused for yourself out of pain, confusion, and hurt… “As I ask for forgiveness for others, I ask for myself. I forgive myself. May I be forgiven?”
“Forgiveness of others who have hurt me”…  I remember all of the sorrows & pain I carry for all others who have harmed or betrayed me. For all the pain they’ve caused me, … “I forgive them. I forgive all of you who have caused me pain and sorrow, and who have abandoned me out of their own pain, anger, or confusion. ”

Allow your heart to soften with forgiveness as we breathe and rest in this purposeful and mindful intention. When you are ready, let us again focus our free attention to the breath, and breathing into the heart. Through the breath of the heart, let feelings of loving kindness gently still your body, flow over and out of your heart. Let your attention reflect on the good you have done or your own “inner good”. Here and now, we will gently/softly repeat phrases of loving kindness. We begin with ourselves until we embrace all sentient beings.
• May I be loving…
• May I be merciful…
• May I be well filled with loving kindness…
• May others be loving, peaceful & well.

Feel the natural compassion for others. Let feelings of loving kindness grow inside you for self and for others. Let the spirit of your loving heart embrace all.

Come back to the breath… “May I be well filled with loving kindness”.


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