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My Meditative Moments

Exercise- Being Alive

by meditative - June 14th, 2010.
Filed under: Insight Meditation Exercises.


Adapted from an excerpt in “Hard Times, Simple Times”~ Norman Fischer

Let’s  start with the basic practice of sitting- and just being aware of our breath and our body for a couple of minutes.

Breathing in- I know that I am breathing in
Breathing out- I know that I am breathing out

Simply noticing any thoughts and feelings that may be arising and subsiding in awareness… and taking care not to follow. Noticing the stillness- and as we just sit here for awhile- we may also begin to notice something most fundamental of our sitting that we are alive.

We are living, breathing, embodied human beings. We can actually feel this- feel the feeling of being alive. As best we can, let’s just rest in this basic feeling – the nature of life, of consciousness, the underlying basis of everything we have and will ever experience- even the negativity sitting here with this basic feeling of being alive.

We will feel the gratitude as our life is truly a gift- it is just here and now. It won’t last forever, but for now in this moment , here it is, perfectly complete- and we are sharing it with everyone and everything else that exists in this ordinary, basic, but beautiful way. Whatever may be our situation- our problems and challenges- we are and we exist in this bright world with others, with trees, sky, water, stars, sun, and moon. If we sit here long enough and regularly enough, we can feel this, even in our darkest of moments.

And based on this experience, we will begin to reflect differently on our lives- what is really important? How much do our expectations, personal & social constructs really matter? What really counts? What is our bottom line as human beings- for human life?

To be alive- we are alive. To love others & to be loved by others. We do love and it is within our power to love more deeply. And if we do, it will follow that others will respond with more love. The very nature of love- like anger and hatred- is contagious. To be kind to others and to receive kindness is also within our power regardless of expectations, losses, and circumstances.

Regardless of our conditions, we can participate in what matters most. We can see that in the big picture of things, we have what we need, and there is plenty to be grateful for- and plenty to do based on this gratitude. The gift of life- being alive– is so simple yet so precious- to take it for granite is to dismiss the essence of our existence.

Let’s continue to breathe in the stillness and warmth of our lives as we close this practice- individually and collectively. Let us rejoice in this practice of being alive.


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