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My Meditative Moments

Clear Sanity II

by meditative - July 6th, 2010.
Filed under: Insights for Mindful Intelligence.

Clear sanity is a process of recovery with “sense-consciousness”…

Clear sanity is not a transcendental state of being. It is simple or ordinary consciousness- “plain” cognition or “bare attention”. It’s choiceless awareness on behalf of an abstract watcher. The mindfulness of effort is an intuitive sense to stay with one’s attention and awareness plainly and simply regardless of the experience’s content. It is a sentience- a sense-consciousness- a concentrated, trusting, and knowing effort of awareness at the fine point where bewilderment and clarity converge. Enlightenment is the height of this sense-consciousness.

Uncovering or recovering our inherited nature to be wakefully aware requires us to step out- a leap of faith in accepting the neuroses and the bewilderment in us as it is. Looking and observing with clarity in the “flashes” or “gaps” of “space” between the emptiness and form of our thoughts and concepts of it all. Flashes of enlightenment are truly the antidotes to the impulses of our reactivity that arise throughout daily living. Residing in the spaciousness of our “gaps” between thoughts and concepts about our situations,  we slowly begin to see the nature of our experiences- how abstract and impersonal they truly are…

The power of a clear mind- our natural, primordial mind is “ordinary” yet awesome as its simplicity of sentience, instinct, and intuition penetrates the fixed conceptions of an overly analytical mind. We come to realize that the problem is not inherent to the projection itself, but to the projector. The “ego” is our reference point. It provides our material (form) for examination and contemplation. The “egohood” of our existence is narrow and fixating. The “pie” is limited and divisive- and our ego wants its slice. Clear sanity is relief from these grasping and fixating tendencies- from separation, isolation, and individualism.

In the face of obstacles and uncertainty, we accept our insecure feelings of not knowing the relationship of “that” (external) to “this” (internal)- and the impulse and reactionary force that draws our tendency to grasp for grounding and solidity of form. Our ego needs some point of reference to stay connected, and to keep us distracted and entertained from what truly may be the reality of our situation. A sense of “egolessness” does not mean the absence of ego itself, but rather it refers to the absence of the projections of the ego.

The “solidity” constructed by our ego looks to confirm itself in a coherent and consistent fashion. As part of the “ego game”, it often ignores (i.e. ignorance) what is really happening in a situation fixated from a particular point of view rather than seeing what is really happening. In actualizing clear sanity, our awareness becomes a reflection of arisings mirroring our mindful intelligence- both simply and directly.

As we begin to recover the clear sanity that is inherent to us all, the open spaciousness of our meditative minds re-connects a sense of being, sentience, and sensitivity to the interdependence of our existence with our internal and external environments. From this sensitivity of interdependence, we trust our basic goodness and work with both our confusion and the underlying wisdom at the same time- synchronizing body and mind to uncover our basic (intrinsic) health of peace and harmony.


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