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My Meditative Moments

Letting Go…

by meditative - March 25th, 2017.
Filed under: Insights for Mindful Intelligence, Mindfulness for Parents & Children.

There is this awakening- this realization that real ‘freedom’ requires us to learn to accept… and to let go. It is with this realization that we come to observe ourselves and our minds lightly, with compassion and understanding that what we may come to think or to feel is impermanent- rather ’empty’ without the energy from our attention to fuel and nourish its sustainability. With some space between ourselves as the observer and our ‘events’ of mind and body- thoughts, feelings & bodily sensations- we can explore and examine them without energizing or indulging them. We can maintain our clarity without being carried away by what happens either within us or around us.

The mastery of ‘freedom’ is the skillfulness of holding lightly and then simply letting go. It’s knowing we are so much more than our circumstances- our present moment conditions or happenings that have the potential to be transformed merely by how we ‘see’ and ‘relate’ to them.


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