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My Meditative Moments

Insight- Acceptance & Trust

by meditative - March 15th, 2010.
Filed under: Insights For Mindfulness Training.

Mindful intelligence transcends beyond the act of mere acceptance…

Acceptance is more often than not misunderstood- “just accept it.” Just accepting the way things are can be extremely challenging. It’s not saying that you should be passively resigned to the way things are. If things are going horribly wrong in the present moment- that knowing and that awarenessing of things the way they presently are can give you a place to stand and to act in the next moment. However, if you don’t accept & trust the way things actually are, you won’t know how things actually are…

To learn to accept & trust is to simply be with things as they actually are. If we can accept how things are now, then the very next moment is different. It becomes liberated from all the ideas, thoughts, and opinions we saddle ourselves with in trying to define, or what is prerequisite for a happy moment.When we let go of that, and let things be as they are whether they are good, bad, or ugly, then it becomes possible for us to stand in this moment without it having to be any different.We learn to trust who & where we are in the moment.This is freedom or liberation of acceptance.Without acceptance and trust, there can be no inner awakening- our heart remains tormented with conflict. If we cannot accept the way things are, then it is impossible for us to respond with an open heart. Acceptance and trust are the seeds of devotion to any spiritual path.

Again, this is not mere acceptance, or passively resigning to the situation, it is seizing hold of the actuality of things- and then in the next moment if you have to act then you will act out of mindfulness, heartfulness, or some kind of emotional intelligence instead of hijacked by whatever your feelings are about what you can’t accept, or what you can’t trust. Our experience needs to be an open invitation otherwise we wall out parts of our life that ultimately complete us. Unfinished issues don’t give up on you, they will follow you wherever you go… you are wherever you go.

Acceptance or coming to terms is not easily cultivated, nor is inner trust. Sometimes you have to go through denial first- sometimes you have to go through anger or grieving- but ultimately these challenges can be accepted as they are…moment by moment. This is a practice not an ideal. It is through our acceptance and trust that our practice manifests the method of “effortlessness” & the method of “abiding”. In other words,we simply allow things to unfold as they are- not trying or striving to get rid of anything- not changing the natural state of our mind- enlightenment will find you- the freely attending witness (onlooker).

Open the blinds and let the light in…


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